Tuesday 3 July 2007

knowledge & submission III

In prayer, I felt the stubbornness in my soul
I realised - I loved the world & was reluctant to leave it - so
If I would not leave my home, how could I begin the journey to God?

For a while I was dumbstruck, silent; until
I realised - or remembered - the world is fake, deception
And knew; no-one who knows this, would want it at all.

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"Many a knowledge comes to man in stages:

(1) first he becomes aware of an idea;
(2) then he has some doubts about its correctness;
(3) then he becomes inclined to accept it;
(4) then gradually the possibility of his accepting the opposite view vanishes completely and he becomes firmly convinced of the truth of that idea - and this firm conviction is called knowledge.

If such a knowledge is concerned with some frightening affair, then his worry and disquiet will begin as soon as he reaches the third stage when he is only inclined to accept it - is only "thinking" that probably it may be true."

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(c) July 2007,
with thanks to

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