Monday 2 July 2007

Seeking knowledge of God...

... above and beyond any other form of knowledge

All praise is due to Allah, the First and Last, the Originator and Creator, the giver of Order and Beauty.

Throughout the courses of our lives, it is necessary for all men to acquire knowledge. From the time an infant is born the mind and senses combine to analyse information from the outside world, which is then assimilated into an internal world-view in the theoretical arena, and later applied to physical problems in the practical arena. Over the course of history men have combined their knowledge and built upon the works of their forefathers, separating it out into schools of science and mathematics, philosophy and art; continually expanding, refining and specialising the content of each. Each school has become a blanket for a vast array of knowledge, by no means complete, yet far beyond the capability of any one individual to amass or encompass. The totality of knowledge within a single speciality within any one school is approaching impossible to acquire even for the brightest minds; and the sum of all human knowledge to date is impossible to comprehend, let alone the sum of all knowledge – known or yet to be discovered, if discoverable at all.

Those who seek knowledge (over and above the basic levels required to function and interact within society) must choose carefully which type of knowledge to pursue, and which to forgo. Many decide according to their interests or abilities, some driven by curiosity or the prospect of income, others seeking practical solutions or innovations to better their situation. But in each of these choices, there necessitates a neglect of other branches of knowledge which may be more worthy of pursuit. The one who seeks knowledge for its own sake; to better understand the universe from the heavens above to the depths of men’s souls; cannot tolerate blind pursuit of arbitrary branches of knowledge, knowing they within their lifetimes they may never chance upon the knowledge which can help them unlock the greatest questions of existence. Without a reasoned and logical direction to their studies, the vast majority of these thinkers would be doomed to frustration and failure.

Believing in God, knowing that He is the Source and Original Cause of the universe, understanding that He created all according to a Grand Design; its complex progression, laws of interaction and development, the natures of all beings and the purpose behind their creation; Master of all about which there is knowledge, in all schools and that which is unknown; leads towards an understanding of the power and significance of knowledge of God. Knowledge of Him encompasses the ultimate reasons for the form and existence of the universe, and the totality of the myriad of directions it may take in times to come. Attaining core knowledge from the very Source of Knowledge will shed light upon countless world-truths, the way fundamental axioms unfold and combine to give endless rules and realities, which ultimately stem solely from their logical conclusions. The knowledge relating to Him traverses all branches and schools, colouring the understanding of every aspect of creation.

If a seeker desires knowledge, the most worthy pursuit must be that most complete and all-encompassing, general knowledge; which may be expanded towards any direction and within any branch they choose. It must be in seeking those general, fundamental truths, which are the essence of the universe. No single speciality can be studied without starting at the end of knowledge in its field, then working back along the single branches towards the source; never touching any branch except those directly preceding the one you started upon.

Only through knowledge of the Source of all branches can one gain general understanding of all knowledge, then move on to specific and detailed understanding of some.

If a seeker desires Truth, it is incumbent upon them to seek knowledge of God; and in so doing they may approach every other form of knowledge, as the source of a river leads to the sea.

All praise is due to Allah, Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds.

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(c) June '07

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